Committed to Continuous Growth

August 10, 2020

Now more than ever, we’re determined to give you our very best. As life changes daily, and the headlines become more and more confusing, we’re committed to providing financial clarity even amid uncertainty and crisis. We don’t simply prepare for the next steps but strive to anticipate them before they occur. Right now, this means…

Do I have enough to retire with the lifestyle I had planned?

July 30, 2020

If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that most of us don’t like uncertainty. It’s inherent in our nature, we like safety and security. If you’re nearing retirement, you’re probably asking yourself, “do I have enough to retire, with the lifestyle I had planned?” As simple as it sounds, living comfortably comes down to cash…

3 Myths & Truths About College Savings That Will Raise Your Spirits

May 27, 2020

College savings can feel like an impossible task thanks to these three common myths; however, the truth is bound to lift your spirits and help you get started.   For many families, saving for college is such a daunting task that it ends up feeling more defeating than empowering. There are a handful of myths…

To Our Vance Wealth Friends and Family

May 7, 2020

The past quarter brought many changes to business as usual, and though we’ve all been adjusting, I was proud to watch the Vance Wealth team find its groove with the same urgency and passion I value so much. Half of the team has chosen to work from home, and half of us have decided to…

2020 Q2 Investment Update

May 7, 2020

2020 Q2 Investment Update The COVID-19 outbreak has led to unprecedented volatility and tremendous declines in wealth, but we have faith that once the pandemic is defeated, the wild swings in the financial markets will subside and prosperity will return. But, what cannot be so easily recovered is the loss of a job, the loss…

Coronavirus aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020

May 7, 2020

$2.5 trillion stimulus package passed on March 27, 2020, aimed at providing some financial relief to small businesses and their employees amid the coronavirus pandemic. How does this affect retirees? Temporary waiver of Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules Participants who have or are required to take a minimum distribution in 2020 based on the value…

Keeping Calm – Even in Crisis

May 7, 2020

So much of what we aspire to in financial planning is simply freedom – freedom of your time, freedom to pursue opportunity, freedom to achieve purpose. When it allows you to live the life you’ve always imagined, working toward financial independence is a very empowering experience. But the recent global pandemic has challenged our notion…

Protecting Your Legacy – 5 reasons families lose their legacy over time

April 22, 2020

After a lifetime of success, it all comes down to the family legacy you’ll leave behind. How are you protecting yours? You may have heard the old Chinese adage: “Wealth never survives three generations.” While it may seem like nothing more than a cautionary tale, in practice, passing family wealth from generation to generation is…

The Value of a Financial Advisor

April 12, 2020

Take any successful athlete and you will find a brilliant coach by their side. On their own, the athlete can oftentimes obtain great results, but with the guidance, experience and insight of their coach, new levels of success can be achieved. You’ll find this in many professions, as executive coaches, business coaches and life coaches…

