Patti’s Perspective

Ever wonder how the busiest people get the most done? Itā€™s called leverage. With our schedules seemingly getting busier every day, itā€™s more important than ever to step back and take a good look at how youā€™re spending your time. You are an expert in your field, and although you are capable of doing many…

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Health Tip – Committed To Continuous Growth

Director of Client Experience, Robin Strauss, finds that smart technology choices help keep her accountable to her daily goals. Since Robinā€™s work is relatively sedentary, she makes it a point to get moving every day. Her daily fitness goals include putting in time on her Elliptical machine each morning and walking her dog, Maxie, every…

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From the Desk of John Vance

To Our Vance Wealth Friends and Family,   Last quarter brought some exciting changes, both personally and professionally. At home, Carmen and I celebrated our two soon to be graduates, Lauren and Evan, as they both chose to attend Boise State University in Idaho. Lauren will be studying nursing, and Evan will pursue business. It…

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2021 Q2 Investment Update

Weā€™ve officially surpassed the 1-Year Anniversary of this pandemic. I do not think any of us realized it would go on for this long, considering what we were told in the beginning. When we look back over the past year, I feel like in general it flew by because we did not really do much…

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4 Keys to a Strong Financial Foundation for business owners

  At Vance Wealth, we believe financial planning should empower you to achieve what matters most. Our thoughtful process is designed to help you stay the course when things are working, and embrace change when itā€™s needed to forge a path to something greater. For business owners, this includes a financial plan for your company…

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VANCE TEAM MEMBER SPOTLIGHT – A Fond Farewell to Lisa Maloney

After nine years with the firm, Director of Business Operations and Chief Compliance Officer Lisa Maloney ā€“more affectionately known as the ā€œoffice momā€ ā€“ is leaving the Vance Wealth team. However, she will always be part of the family. Lisaā€™s planning on spending much of her downtime with her mother, whom she is currently caring…

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Vance Wealth welcomes back Chris Pelch as COO

Vance Wealth welcomes back Chris Pelch as COO Santa Clarita financial planning firm hires operations officer following another year of growth Ā  Santa Clarita, Calif. ā€”Ā After a year of record growth, Santa Clarita-based financial planning firm Vance Wealth is excited to welcome back Chief Operating Officer Chris Pelch, who is returning to the team to…

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Pattiā€™s Perspective

Youā€™ve probably heard about Stephen Coveyā€™s 90/10 principle. The trickier question is, do we live by it? For me, not always, but Iā€™m working on it. Basically, his point is that our experiences in life are 90% how we perceive or react to an event, and 10% is what actually happens to us. Most of…

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