VANCE TEAM MEMBER SPOTLIGHT – A Fond Farewell to Lisa Maloney

After nine years with the firm, Director of Business Operations and Chief Compliance Officer Lisa Maloney –more affectionately known as the “office mom” – is leaving the Vance Wealth team. However, she will always be part of the family.

Lisa’s planning on spending much of her downtime with her mother, whom she is currently caring for.
“My Mom has been a lifelong support system for me,” Lisa shared, “so I feel fortunate to have this time to spend with her.”

“When I started at Vance Wealth, there were three employees, and now we’re up to 13 people,” Lisa shared. “I’ve watched them grow their lives, and it’s been a rewarding and impactful experience. Over the years, you forget about the tasks or the projects, but it’s those moments when you get to witness a
friend’s journey that really stays with you.” Lisa is most proud of how the firm has evolved over the years  the culture, the camaraderie, the collaboration, the closeness.

“Everyone is there to be the best version of themselves and assist each other along the way. When we have bad days, the team is there to lift you,” Lisa shared. “It’s unlikely that you’ll find a place with a culture as fantastic as this one.”

For Lisa, her departure is more of a “see you later” than a “goodbye,” as she plans to return for Vance Wealth events and get-togethers whenever she can.