Q3 2022 Empowering Women To Achieve More – Patti’s Perspective

Healthy Habits for Female Investors Women today are placing a great emphasis on helping the world at large, whether it involves financial support or volunteer work. Women love making an impact! Women control 52% of the wealth nationwide, which is expected to grow to an estimated two thirds by 2030*. Given this wealth, it’s crucial…

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What Does A Recession Mean For My Business?

man at a table with head down and hands on head

Current market data shows that we are potentially entering a recession. While that can be a terrifying word to hear as a business owner, it is possible to not only prepare for an economic downturn, but also to achieve more despite it. That’s exactly what we want to help our business owners do as we…

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Building A Stronger Team & Community With Closet On Main

Team photo standing outside a retail store

One of the core values we share as a team is a commitment to supporting the community where we live and work. For that reason, we set a new goal this year. Every quarter, we’re committed to doing something in the community – as a team. This quarter, we got together to spend an afternoon…

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How We Support You During Turbulent Times

When we look back on the past two years, there’s one word we’d use to describe the market: volatile. Yet as we look ahead, the only thing we’re sure of is that the volatility is here to stay. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to panic. In fact, at Vance Wealth, we don’t think it’s…

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Behind the Scenes with the Vance Wealth Team: Q3 2022

Question of the Quarter Tips from Our Team for Tightening Your Belt! Many of us are looking to embrace a more frugal approach to spending. So, if you’re looking for simple tips to help you tighten your belt without making significant changes to the way you live, here are some suggestions from our team! Jerrod…

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2022 Quarter 3 Investment Update

Summer is in full swing, and it is another hot one! We hope your summer has been spent with the ones that matter most and not in front of the TV watching the news. Is the world coming to an end? No, but one may think so, based off recent headlines in the media. Some…

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