Patti’s Perspective – Empowering Women to Achieve More

Empowering Women to Achieve More In an effort to please others, oftentimes we can get caught in the perfection trap, especially as women. The reality is that perfection is an illusion, and a dangerous one at that. Women tend to overthink and overanalyze, especially those of us who try to make everyone happy. One of…

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When the world is changing … so should your financial plan

Since the coronavirus outbreak, planning ahead has never felt more difficult. From revenue projections to school schedules, our daily lives have been focused on short-term solutions without much guarantee of what the future may hold. We’ve been running our businesses and lives in survival mode because, for a time, it was necessary. But at some…

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What’s your money story?

What’s your money story? We all have one. Our money story is tied to the beliefs that we learned when we were children, from birth to about 8 or 9 years old. We took in information we couldn’t filter it, so if we heard stories of lack, fear or abundance, that’s what we knew to…

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