2021 Q4 – Investment Update

Fall is upon us! Neighbors are dusting off their ghouls and goblins and decorating for Halloween. Once Thanksgiving arrives, it seems like the year ends within a blink of an eye and 2022 is here. Not that long ago did our uphill journey begin from the depths of the “COVID Correction” ravine. Now it’s time…

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2021 – Q3 Market Update

We hope you are all enjoying your summer! It is another hot one in Southern California, almost as hot as the real estate market. I know the Vance Wealth team has been trying to beat the heat by heading to the beach or spending time in the pool this summer. However you are trying to…

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2021 Q1 Investment Update

We hope all our clients, professional partners, and members of our community have remained happy and healthy and are looking forward to a new year. Typically, when we write a market update, we gather information from our investment partners and decide what makes sense to share with our readers. I thought our partners at Dimensional…

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Looking Back To Grow Forward

After a year like 2020, it might be tempting to jump straight into 2021 and never look back. Last year, we all experienced massive disruption and change to our personal and professional lives, and everyone is eager to return to some sense of normalcy. But moving forward without a clear picture of 2020’s impact on…

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Start The Year With 3 Keys To Financial Success

There are three keys to starting 2021 with personal and financial success. Here are our recommendations from the Vance Wealth advisors.   After a year like 2020, it might be tempting to jump straight into 2021 and never look back. Last year, we all dealt with massive disruption and change in life and business, so…

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When the world is changing … so should your financial plan

Since the coronavirus outbreak, planning ahead has never felt more difficult. From revenue projections to school schedules, our daily lives have been focused on short-term solutions without much guarantee of what the future may hold. We’ve been running our businesses and lives in survival mode because, for a time, it was necessary. But at some…

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2020 Q2 Investment Update

2020 Q2 Investment Update The COVID-19 outbreak has led to unprecedented volatility and tremendous declines in wealth, but we have faith that once the pandemic is defeated, the wild swings in the financial markets will subside and prosperity will return. But, what cannot be so easily recovered is the loss of a job, the loss…

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Coronavirus aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020

$2.5 trillion stimulus package passed on March 27, 2020, aimed at providing some financial relief to small businesses and their employees amid the coronavirus pandemic. How does this affect retirees? Temporary waiver of Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules Participants who have or are required to take a minimum distribution in 2020 based on the value…

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