2023 – Q3 Market Update

Dear Clients and Friends, We are already more than halfway through 2023; time once again seems to elude us. We hope your summer months have been busy with the things you enjoy most in life. Markets have bounced back strong to start the year which is welcomed from investors coming off a volatile and brutal…

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2023 Q1 Investment Update

Image of coins and graph in the background with Jerrod

Dear Clients and Friends, The New Year is in full swing and we have hit the ground running in 2023. The Vance Wealth team was able to re-charge around the holidays and are eager to begin making progress on our 2023 team and individual goals. We begin this year optimistic; hoping this year can bring…

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2022 Quarter 3 Investment Update

Summer is in full swing, and it is another hot one! We hope your summer has been spent with the ones that matter most and not in front of the TV watching the news. Is the world coming to an end? No, but one may think so, based off recent headlines in the media. Some…

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2022 Quarter 2 Market Update

Spring has sprung! Easter weekend passed us by, and the year has begun as expected; volatility is back. Volatility creates opportunity, and to be a good long-term investor, one must take the good with the bad. Over the last 20 years, 24 of the 25 best days in the market occurred within one month of…

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2022 – Q1 Investment Update

Dear Clients and Friends, 2021 was a banner year for equities, as enormous fiscal and monetary stimulus through the pandemic supported the strongest economic and earnings growth in decades during the reopening. The S&P 500 Index experienced minimal volatility while returning 28.71% (largest intra-year pullback being just 5.2%), though there was plenty of action beneath…

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2021 – Q3 Market Update

We hope you are all enjoying your summer! It is another hot one in Southern California, almost as hot as the real estate market. I know the Vance Wealth team has been trying to beat the heat by heading to the beach or spending time in the pool this summer. However you are trying to…

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2021 Q2 Investment Update

We’ve officially surpassed the 1-Year Anniversary of this pandemic. I do not think any of us realized it would go on for this long, considering what we were told in the beginning. When we look back over the past year, I feel like in general it flew by because we did not really do much…

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Coronavirus aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020

$2.5 trillion stimulus package passed on March 27, 2020, aimed at providing some financial relief to small businesses and their employees amid the coronavirus pandemic. How does this affect retirees? Temporary waiver of Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules Participants who have or are required to take a minimum distribution in 2020 based on the value…

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Keeping Calm – Even in Crisis

So much of what we aspire to in financial planning is simply freedom – freedom of your time, freedom to pursue opportunity, freedom to achieve purpose. When it allows you to live the life you’ve always imagined, working toward financial independence is a very empowering experience. But the recent global pandemic has challenged our notion…

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