Long-Term Investing: Finding Optimism in Today’s World

In a world where negative news dominates headlines, even seasoned investors may find it challenging to stay committed to their long-term financial plans. However, amidst the noise, there are reasons to remain optimistic about the future of investing. Here are five key points to consider: Strength of the U.S. Economy Despite fears of a recession,…

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2024 Q1 Market Update

We hope you enjoyed the holiday season with the ones that matter most. Everyone at Vance Wealth is excited for this New Year, and we are motivated to begin making progress on our personal and firm goals. While past performance is not indicative of future results, we like to reflect on the past year to…

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Unlock More Potential: Entrepreneur Edition

Woman with laptop, pen in hand, and calculator working

A Valuable Solution for Business Owners to Stay on Course Throughout the Year If you run a business, then you know how rewarding it can be – and you also know how consuming it can be, too. It’s hard not to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, but what affects your business affects your…

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Start The Year With 3 Keys To Financial Success

Start the year with 3 keys to success.

If you’re aiming for a financially successful start to the year, the key lies in revisiting the past to gain insights before setting your sights on growth. Here, we outline three steps to kick off 2024 with a clear understanding of your current financial landscape, helping you end the year right where you would like…

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