Building A Stronger Team & Community With Closet On Main

One of the core values we share as a team is a commitment to supporting the community where we live and work. For that reason, we set a new goal this year. Every quarter, we’re committed to doing something in the community – as a team. This quarter, we got together to spend an afternoon helping out at Closet on Main, a boutique retail store in Downtown Newhall that benefits Single Mothers Outreach. With only one employee, the unique resale shop is supported by a team of dedicated volunteers, and this quarter, we wanted to be part of that team.

“We cleaned, dusted and sorted through the store’s inventory as much as we could,” explained John Vance, President of Vance Wealth in Santa Clarita. “It was great to have everyone there together, and afterward we went to the Newhall Press Room for happy hour, flatbread and some fun downtime. It was a great way to spend the day and help out a great local organization.” Funds from Closet on Main go to Single Mothers Outreach (SMO), a Santa Claritabased nonprofit that empowers single parents and their children by providing the hope, support and resources they need to become self-sustaining and thrive.

One of SMO’s most important services is the free therapy provided for the family and the children, which requires funding from the community, along with other costs like housing and job training. “That’s why, for Mother’s Day, our firm pledged to match $10,000 in donations to help support this essential part of the program,” John explained. “We’re beyond grateful to all the clients and community members who joined us in this campaign because we were able to meet our goal and support these valuable programs.” Vance Wealth also sponsored the Mother’s Day event, an afternoon dedicated to celebrating and pampering single moms, and the firm will be sponsoring the 2022 Empowering HeArts Gala in October.

If you would like to learn more about Single Mothers Outreach, please visit, or contact Vance Wealth to learn how you can help.