Behind the Scenes with the Vance Wealth Team: Q3 2022

Question of the Quarter

Tips from Our Team for Tightening Your Belt!

Many of us are looking to embrace a more frugal approach to spending. So, if you’re looking for simple tips to help you tighten your belt without making significant changes to the way you live, here are some suggestions from our team!

Jerrod Ferguson – “Julie & I use a budget tracking service religiously, (well, Julie mostly). This helps us see where our money went every month and how it compares to the budgets we previously set. By knowing our numbers, we can correct course much faster if needed. Know your numbers.”

Niall Shaffrey – “I like to go on hikes and cool off at the local community pool. These are both great activities that don’t cost anything to do, and they are great ways to get active and out of the house.”

Robin Strauss – “ I never go to the grocery store without a list; this saves me from making spur of the moment decision on items I don’t need, and it keeps me healthy.”

Tyler Tilton – “I often recommend reevaluating your subscriptions. Most people have monthly subscriptions that they are not utilizing. TrueBill is a great app that can help you get control over your subscriptions and put money back in your pocket.”

Tara White – “Jared and I love to visit our favorite local restaurants like Kinza, Piccola, and Sabor, but the cost of eating out adds up! We have been better with sharing meals versus both of us ordering something individually when we do eat out. This helps us keep our cost down when we feel like getting out of the house on a Friday or Saturday night!”

Carissa – “If you have trouble with impulse spending, have you heard of the “24-hour” rule for spending? Try to create a rule for yourself, if you see something that you would absolutely love but don’t know if you can do without, wait 24 hours. If your heart is still set on this purchase after your waiting period, then it can be a guiltfree purchase, if you find that you forgot about it then maybe it wasn’t that important to you to begin with!”

Book Recommendation

“The Power of One More: The Ultimate Guide to Happiness and Success” by Ed Mylett “If you strive for constant self-growth, this book will give you the encouragement and inspiration to take your power into your own hands and make your dreams a reality. It reminds you that not only are you responsible for your own happiness, but you’re also capable of creating it. It’s like a motivating masterclass in learning to raise your standards and behaviors to meet your goals.” – Shanele Stoll


Looking to decrease stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and lower your blood pressure? I desired just that! I was encouraged to try Transcendental Meditation by a friend; I had no idea what it was; if you don’t either, you can learn more here: It is a simple and natural way to help you feel more relaxed. I started the journey and can already see the benefits. I have improved my work-life balance and overall feeling of well-being. I hope this helps bring some peace and balance to your life as well! “It is in the quiet moments that the answers come. “ – Albert Einstein