In the Community: Connection & Giving In 2021

Vance Wealth is built on a set of shared values, and as we looked back at 2021, we noticed a particular focus on one – the desire to get more involved in the community. “When we defined our core values as a firm, we knew we wanted our team to be charitably inclined and community-minded.…

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In the Community – Join Us For Empowering HeArts

If you love inspiring speakers, captivating artwork and supporting a local cause, then Empowering HeArts will be the highlight of your 2021 event season. Each year, Single Mothers Outreach hosts an inspiring gala event that honors six local women and six local artists who share their stories on stage and on the canvas. “Empowering HeArts…

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Health Tip – Committed To Continuous Growth

Director of Client Experience, Robin Strauss, finds that smart technology choices help keep her accountable to her daily goals. Since Robin’s work is relatively sedentary, she makes it a point to get moving every day. Her daily fitness goals include putting in time on her Elliptical machine each morning and walking her dog, Maxie, every…

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