Vance Wealth – Building Lasting Wealth and Caring Culture for 20 Years and Counting

After 20 years in business, the decision to start Vance Wealth may not seem like much of a leap of faith, but when Founder John Vance first opened his own firm, that’s exactly what it required. In 2003, the dot-com bubble had burst, the economy was still in recovery, and to increase the pressure even more, John’s first child was due within the month.

“Needless to say, I took on a lot of responsibility during an uncertain time, but oftentimes we get stronger out of necessity,” John recalled. “This firm started with that level of determination and dedication to creating something truly great – for my family and the families that trusted me enough to take the leap with me.”

In the firm’s initial days, John ran a one-man shop out of his home office and earned a modest $75,000 in revenue the first year. Leaning on the support of the Raymond James community, however, he quickly clarified his vision for the future and found the tools to execute it according to plan.

By 2005, John completed his licensing to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, an important benchmark in the financial world that distinguished Vance Wealth as a firm that did more than just provide investment advice. “This is when we really began to embrace a style of comprehensive financial planning that could not only improve our clients’ current financial position but make a greater impact on their future, as well,” John explained. “It allowed us to help people in a much bigger way.”

The firm reached an inflection point around this time, soon hitting the million-dollar mark in revenue. The team was growing, too, and with about 4-5 people on board, John was able to begin cultivating a long-term growth mindset and more intentional company culture. “We were really expanding around this time, and it was important to me to find a team of really talented people who wanted to grow with the firm,” John explained. “I wanted to create a rewarding place to work, where our team members could build meaningful careers and futures for themselves.”

The firm continued to grow, hitting a significant milestone when it reached $100 million assets under management. By 2017, the team had identified some key areas of specialization, where they were serving clients with above-and-beyond results. “We were delivering the best financial advice we could give, and we were continuing to take on the complex world of business and tax planning to serve our client’s specific needs,” John recalled. “This is when I began to step more firmly into my role as the firm’s visionary, and the ideas for Advanced 401k Solutions and Simplify365 took root.”

Not too long later, the difficult climate of 2020 meant more families and businesses needed the firm’s guidance. Growing in response to the local need, Vance Wealth became a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), purchased its second Santa Clarita location, and within the next year, surpassed $500 million assets under management.

Today the team has grown to 16 people, and the firm serves more than 300 households with comprehensive financial planning, as well as specialized support programs for business owners and 401k plan sponsors. Vance Wealth also provides regular financial education to the community through public webinars, a robust video library, quarterly newsletters, and educational articles.

“Most importantly, we’re focused on creating a value-driven culture that helps build a positive and purposeful future for our team members, clients, and community,” John shared. “I’m particularly proud that the entire Vance Wealth family is committed to growing, personally and professionally, and cares about paying that growth forward by making an impact in the community, as well.”

Many of Vance Wealth’s team members are involved in local nonprofits and civic organizations. Additionally, John has served as past Chair of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, and currently
serves as the current Chair for Single Mothers Outreach. Every quarter, the team gathers to participate in a local volunteer opportunity, and each year, the firm donates a percentage of its
revenue to local nonprofits as part of its mission to give back.

As a firm, Vance Wealth has been able to strike the difficult balance between providing expert financial advice on the technical side, and cultivating a truly caring culture on the personal side. “I never wanted to sacrifice one for the other,” John explained. “It’s equally as important to help our clients build lasting wealth as it is to be good custodians of that wealth.”

Looking ahead at the next 20 years, John has no plans of slowing down.

“What’s next? We want to continue to build, so we can help our clients, team members and community achieve more,” John shared. “But none of this happens without the trust and support of our clients, which is why we will continue to focus on serving you with the best service and care possible – no matter where the next 20 years take us.”

We are committed to serving our clients and community with expert financial advice that make a difference. If we can help you build a more meaningful financial future, please reach out to our team by calling 661-775-0950 or visiting

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consult your attorney or tax advisor.