With Gratitude For Your Continued Trust

In a challenging market, the path to financial success can quickly start to feel unclear, uncertain, and overwhelmingly stressful. Trusting that you’re still on your way to achieving more isn’t easy.

But that’s precisely when we aim to make the biggest difference for our clients.

“We consider it our responsibility to not only steer you through tough markets, but also to remove the worry that typically comes with planning for your future in uncertain times,” John explained. “It’s our job to pave the way forward with confidence, optimism, and purpose – to not react with emotion, but proactively respond with clarity and action.”

At Vance Wealth, each and every person on our team takes that responsibility to heart. We’re not sitting idly by as the markets change or shift. We’re planning for long-term wins, making necessary course corrections, and proactively looking out for our clients’ best interests.

“Internally, we’re checking to make sure every single client is on track according to their financial plan because we know they’re trusting us with their finances, futures, and families,” John explained. “Nothing matters more to us than that – and we are so incredibly grateful for that trust.”

In fact, that trust is what started this firm, and it’s what keeps the team going every day.

“As I reflect back to when I started Vance Wealth, with no employees in 2003, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the clients who’ve put their trust in me and now my team as well,” John shared. “Every time we hire a new team member or achieve another year-end goal, I’m reminded that our growth is a testament to your trust, and that’s what drives us.”

Thank you for allowing us to be a trusted partner. It’s a responsibility we passionately embrace. We know it is not fun for anyone to have a down year and lose money- even though we know it is temporary. Our clients who have entrusted us through market ups and downs have been rewarded, and we will continue to do everything in our power to help you meet your goals. So, please try to remember that this too is temporary and enjoy this upcoming holiday season with those who matter most.

We’re here for you. If you have any questions about your yearend planning – or you just want to check in with your Vance Wealth family – please reach out to us by calling 661-775- 0950 or visiting VanceWealth.com