Do I have enough to retire with the lifestyle I had planned?

If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that most of us don’t like uncertainty.

It’s inherent in our nature, we like safety and security. If you’re nearing retirement, you’re probably asking yourself, “do I have enough to retire, with the lifestyle I had planned?”

As simple as it sounds, living comfortably comes down to cash flow. You need to analyze your timing, your expected future income, your spending desire, and your portfolio characteristics, such as risk tolerance and asset allocation. Woven into this equation, is minimizing taxes by taking advantage of the best tax strategies for your personal situation.

Creating a sound retirement strategy requires structuring your income streams to cover the expected costs of housing, food, healthcare, entertainment, transportation and more. Start by taking a look at your current spending plan. To put a plan in place, you must know where you’re starting and where you want to go.

Let’s now take a look at income sources in retirement.

  • Recurring income includes:
    • Social Security
    • Pensions
    • Annuities
    • Rental income
  • Non-recurring income can include:
    • Inheritance
    • Proceeds from a sale of property
    • One-time distribution from a pension
    • Cash value from an unneeded insurance policy,


Now that you have determined what income you can count on, and what your expected spending will look like, it’s time to bridge the gap. This gap represents the annual cash flow that your portfolio will need to generate. This is why it’s so important to structure your portfolio with the greatest returns, with the least amount of risk.

Feel free to reach out to a Wealth Advisor at Vance Wealth. We offer complimentary consultations and would be happy to review your retirement plan to determine if you are on course. Call us today at: 888/775-0950 or email: