Capitalizing on Family Support: Optimize Your Payroll for Tax Advantages and Increase Your Retirement Savings

Optimize Your Payroll for Tax Advantages and Increase Your Retirement Savings

We understand that owning and running a business often becomes a family affair. Spouses and children play vital roles in various aspects, from casual conversations at the dinner table to continuous discussions about the business’s health. This is one of the many reasons we recommend optimizing your payroll to include these hardworking family members. We…

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What Is The Augusta Rule?

Couple talking to a tax planning professional

Vance Wealth & Simplify365 help proactive business owners with payroll optimization, business & tax planning & retirement plan design. Watch this short video of Tyler Tilton walking you through the Augusta Rule, also known as IRC Section 280A(g), and some potential risks.  If you’re an S corporation or C Corporation, you may be eligible to…

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