2023 Q1 Investment Update

Image of coins and graph in the background with Jerrod

Dear Clients and Friends, The New Year is in full swing and we have hit the ground running in 2023. The Vance Wealth team was able to re-charge around the holidays and are eager to begin making progress on our 2023 team and individual goals. We begin this year optimistic; hoping this year can bring…

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2022 Quarter 3 Investment Update

Summer is in full swing, and it is another hot one! We hope your summer has been spent with the ones that matter most and not in front of the TV watching the news. Is the world coming to an end? No, but one may think so, based off recent headlines in the media. Some…

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2022 – Q1 Investment Update

Dear Clients and Friends, 2021 was a banner year for equities, as enormous fiscal and monetary stimulus through the pandemic supported the strongest economic and earnings growth in decades during the reopening. The S&P 500 Index experienced minimal volatility while returning 28.71% (largest intra-year pullback being just 5.2%), though there was plenty of action beneath…

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