Live in the Ask – with Patti Handy

As a podcast junkie, I’m always coming across great insight and information. Whether it’s feeding my emotional health, physical health or financial health, I love powerful learning.

On a recent podcast, Mark Victor Hansen was being interviewed, discussing the ‘power of asking.’ Asking the big questions, and not so big questions.

If you’re at a crossroads in life, not in the career you really love, in a relationship that isn’t flourishing or struggling with your health, he suggests you ask for guidance. Don’t overthink the questions, just ask for what you need help with…direction, insight or whatever first comes to mind.

You’re probably thinking, ‘who do I ask?’

Mark says there are three distinct channels through which we can ask:

  • Ask yourself
  • Ask God
  • Ask others

Our days are so busy and our minds so cluttered, it’s hard to quiet sometimes. (For me, ALL.THE.TIME.) But it’s in those quiet moments we can oftentimes hear the answer. Be patient, the answer may not come right away.

If your financial health is an area you need guidance with, we are here for you. At Vance Wealth, we have a passion for education and we’re great listeners. Book an appointment for your complimentary consultation here:

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