To Our Vance Wealth Friends and Family

The past quarter brought many changes to business as usual, and though we’ve all been adjusting, I was proud to watch the Vance Wealth team find its groove with the same urgency and passion I value so much. Half of the team has chosen to work from home, and half of us have decided to continue working in the office while practicing safe social distancing. Regardless of where we choose to show up, however, we’ve all been grateful for the opportunity to serve our clients during this tough time – and stay focused on how we can make a meaningful difference in their lives.

In order to do this, it was helpful for me to rebuild my routines in a way that allowed me to be my best at work and at home. First, I needed to create flexibility in my schedule to accommodate multiple client calls a day. By blocking off mornings for internal work and investment strategy, I’m able to keep afternoons open for calls with clients. We also meet as a team on a daily basis, ensuring everyone is being supported. Somewhere in between, I take a lunch to work out, eat something healthy and refresh my mind. The structure at work has also inspired more structure at home, and we’ve enjoyed gathering for a big family dinner every night around 6 p.m.

Though it’s not quite how I envisioned I’d be spending my time when 2020 started, our focus on routine and structure has really helped me stay effective at work and present at home. And that’s all that really matters right now.