From the Desk of John Vance

Kicking off the quarter, Carmen and I took a trip to Kauai, where we sought out adventure. We went zip-lining, took a helicopter ride, rode ATVs, and enjoyed a zodiac boat ride along the Na Pali Coast. 

I spent much of the quarter out in the community, as well, participating in a couple of great events. I served as the Chair for this year’s SCV Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament in October, which was a fun way to get to know some local businesses. This year’s event raised the most amount of money in its history, making it especially rewarding for everyone who participated.

But the event that really pushed me out of my comfort zone was the 2019 All That Jazz Soroptimist Fashion Show. In past years, the show asked businessmen and women to model clothing from local stores as a way to raise money for the nonprofit’s programming. This year, however, they added choreographed dances. I had an opportunity to finally show off my John Travolta dance moves and make some wonderful new friends in the community.

Last quarter, I felt like I zeroed in on exactly how and where I’d like to grow in 2020, and I wanted to start working toward those goals before January 1. I knew what I wanted to achieve, and the New Year’s Day deadline just felt arbitrary. One of the first things I did was change my schedule to support my resolutions, and in early December, I began coming into the office at 5 a.m. each morning.

The peace and quiet was the perfect time for me to reflect, collect my thoughts for the day, maybe listen to an inspiring podcast, or do some reading which allows me to be the best version of myself and show up energized for our team and clients.

As we all look ahead and figure out how to achieve more in 2020, I encourage you to consider the daily habits that allow you to be the best version of yourself. Whatever they look like for you, try to carve out a little more time and space for them this year. It could make all the difference.