Committed to Continuous Growth

Now more than ever, we’re determined to give you our very best. As life changes daily, and the headlines become more and more confusing, we’re committed to providing financial clarity even amid uncertainty and crisis. We don’t simply prepare for the next steps but strive to anticipate them before they occur. Right now, this means our team is navigating changes thoughtfully and pivoting quickly. It also means we’re expanding!

We’re excited to announce Vance Wealth recently acquired the building next door, doubling our space to more comfortably serve you. The new space will also give us the chance to increase our educational offerings with a media room and a larger event space for workshops. Ultimately, the purchase aligned with the organization’s plan for responsible growth – but more space means nothing without the right team members to make use of it.

The team is also expanding to better serve our clients and community. The newest member of the team, Wealth Advisor Patti Handy, is no stranger to this community and immediately became a perfect fit in the office. With more than 35 years in corporate banking, Patti has a keen and vast understanding of the banking, mortgage and financial industries. She is passionate about helping women find a sense of empowerment and gain clarity through education. She is excited to bring “The Collective”, a conversational circle of women, who want to achieve more in life, a quarterly gathering for women to Vance Wealth.

We are also celebrating the promotion of Tara White, our bright and cheery administrative assistant. We’re excited to announce her as our new Director of Productivity. Learn more about her new role (page 3 Spotlight team member).

In the meantime, please continue to lean on us. We’re eager to help with all your questions and concerns, and we love hearing from you! Ultimately, we’re expanding our office and team so we can better serve you and the ones you love. If a friend or family member is looking for financial guidance during this time, we’re happy to offer a complimentary consultation or second. We’d love the opportunity to help.