Understanding Recent Market Volatility 

Understanding Current Market Volatility

Staying Informed and Focused Amidst Market Fluctuations The equity markets have recently experienced significant drops. With these sudden changes, we want to keep you informed about what’s happening. Here are some insights to help you navigate this period of ongoing volatility, especially with a contentious election ahead. If you have any questions about the market,…

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Understanding the Corporate Transparency Act

People sitting at a desk with phones and a laptop discussing the corporate transparency act

The Corporate Transparency Act is affecting many business owners, investors and real estate owners. Here’s how:   On Jan. 1, 2024, a significant regulatory change went into effect that impacts limited liability companies (LLCs), corporations and other entities, but its reach extends beyond the typical business owner.  The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) requires certain businesses…

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Maximizing Your Cash Reserves: Expert Advice

Maximizing Your Cash Reserves: Expert Advice

Maximizing Your Cash Reserves: Expert Advice with Anthony Goring, Investment Associate If you have substantial cash reserves in your account with a low return rate, you may want to consider taking the following actions: 1. Evaluate your financial goals and risk tolerance: Before making any investment decisions, it’s essential to consider your financial goals, risk…

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2022 Q4 Investment Update

Background image of stock market numbers

The FED Moves Forward by Looking Backward The FED’s stated mission is to ensure price stability and full employment, which explains the heavy focus on inflation and unemployment data. Unfortunately, both of those series represent lagging indicators that only see the impacts of monetary policy after delays that are long and variable. In times like…

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How We Support You During Turbulent Times

When we look back on the past two years, there’s one word we’d use to describe the market: volatile. Yet as we look ahead, the only thing we’re sure of is that the volatility is here to stay. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to panic. In fact, at Vance Wealth, we don’t think it’s…

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2022 Quarter 3 Investment Update

Summer is in full swing, and it is another hot one! We hope your summer has been spent with the ones that matter most and not in front of the TV watching the news. Is the world coming to an end? No, but one may think so, based off recent headlines in the media. Some…

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2022 – Q1 Investment Update

Dear Clients and Friends, 2021 was a banner year for equities, as enormous fiscal and monetary stimulus through the pandemic supported the strongest economic and earnings growth in decades during the reopening. The S&P 500 Index experienced minimal volatility while returning 28.71% (largest intra-year pullback being just 5.2%), though there was plenty of action beneath…

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2021 Q4 – Investment Update

Fall is upon us! Neighbors are dusting off their ghouls and goblins and decorating for Halloween. Once Thanksgiving arrives, it seems like the year ends within a blink of an eye and 2022 is here. Not that long ago did our uphill journey begin from the depths of the “COVID Correction” ravine. Now it’s time…

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2021 – Q3 Market Update

We hope you are all enjoying your summer! It is another hot one in Southern California, almost as hot as the real estate market. I know the Vance Wealth team has been trying to beat the heat by heading to the beach or spending time in the pool this summer. However you are trying to…

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