Strategic Planning for Business Success: Unleashing the Potential of Balance Sheet and Cash Position to Achieve More

  Maintaining financial stability is the key to long-term success in the fast-paced business world. As a business owner, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of your company’s financial health. One of the best practices to achieve this is by regularly reviewing your balance sheet and cash position. We will explore the importance of…

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Understanding the Corporate Transparency Act

People sitting at a desk with phones and a laptop discussing the corporate transparency act

The Corporate Transparency Act is affecting many business owners, investors and real estate owners. Here’s how:   On Jan. 1, 2024, a significant regulatory change went into effect that impacts limited liability companies (LLCs), corporations and other entities, but its reach extends beyond the typical business owner.  The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) requires certain businesses…

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Unlock More Potential: Entrepreneur Edition

Open laptop and coffee mug with the Simplify 365 logo

A Valuable Solution for Business Owners to Stay on Course Throughout the Year If you run a business, then you know how rewarding it can be – and you also know how consuming it can be, too. It’s hard not to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, but what affects your business affects your…

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Unleashing the Augusta Rule: A Game-Changing Tax Strategy for Business Owners with Simplify365™

August Rule Blog

Introduction: Are you a business owner not yet taking advantage of the Augusta Rule? If you’re running an S Corporation or C Corporation, this tax-saving opportunity might be right under your nose. In this blog, we’ll explore the Augusta Rule, its benefits, potential risks, and how Simplify365™ can guide you through a seamless implementation process.…

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Your Year-End Tax Planning Checklist: Securing Your Financial Future

As the holiday season approaches, it is not just your gift list that deserves attention. Your year-end tax planning checklist is essential this year. Proactive financial experts understand that the months leading up to year-end provide a prime opportunity to make final tax-saving moves that can substantially impact your financial well-being. To help you prepare…

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What Is The Augusta Rule?

Couple talking to a tax planning professional

Vance Wealth & Simplify365 help proactive business owners with payroll optimization, business & tax planning & retirement plan design. Watch this short video of Tyler Tilton walking you through the Augusta Rule, also known as IRC Section 280A(g), and some potential risks.  If you’re an S corporation or C Corporation, you may be eligible to…

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